Self-Empowerment Series: Reclaiming Your Personal Power Through Your Body 

“Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice”- Ayn Rand

What is self-empowerment?

Self-empowerment and sovereignty are the cornerstones of optimal spiritual, physical and emotional health. There are countless idioms about power—where it comes from, what to do with it, and the burden it sometimes can be—but this is often relative to an external view. What about the power that comes from within? It all starts with the idea that we are all at the center of our own universe. The younger you are, the smaller your world is, which makes everything that occurs in it feel really large. As we get older, we learn that while everything in our lives revolves around us and we can only truly experience life from our own perspective, we don’t live in a universe entirely of our own design. There are other people, places, thoughts, ideas, choices and so much more that influence our growth. That’s where the pressures to act, look, think, behave a certain way creep into our ego. Now the question is, how do we regain our sense of self when we have become a mixture of everyone and everything else? 

The importance of habits: nutrition and supplements

It starts with the little things. We are creatures in a state of constant evolution which means our brains need to be able to keep up with all the new information we acquire. That’s how we form habits. We develop routines that become second nature, so that we don’t have to actively think about them anymore. Sometimes, however, the habits we form aren’t the best ones for us or they simply aren’t working in or improving our lifestyle. Developing a healthful diet, being active and considering overall mindset are some key components to review when thinking about the best ways to empower yourself. 

Understanding our physical bodies and the mind-body connection is an essential component in reclaiming the power we have over ourselves. For instance: 

  • Unhurried, stress-free meals allow for better absorption of nutrients/digestive support and promote intuitive eating for more body autonomy
  • Awareness of sweet or starchy foods consumption encourages understanding how the body processes blood sugar—which, when dipping or spiking, can also impact mood and feelings of anxiety 
  • Supplement low iron levels with vitamins or various protein sources to aid in reducing anemia-related anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Omega fatty acids are integral for brain chemistry support and can reduce inflammation that is often also associated with low mood and depression
  • Take vitamin D in supplement form or spend more time outdoors connecting with nature to improve mood and reduce depression symptoms 
  • Sleep. We all know that we need it to function properly and feel like our best selves. Magnesium can be used as an aid in Epsom salt form or as a supplement to help ease the body into a state of relaxation

Overall, generating awareness around a balanced diet, whatever that means for you and your needs, creates stability in the chemical production of the body and allows for awareness, body autonomy and choice. 

The importance of habits in self-empowerment: exercise and movement

Now, when we consider fitness and self-empowerment, we’re not just looking at what the body is able to do but how functional it is for our survival: 

  • We’re not made to be sedentary; our brains thrive off the endorphins that are released when we are feeling active, but it’s important to know ourselves well enough to cultivate a fitness routine that fits into our lifestyle. 
  • Focus on exercise in terms of regular movement and its impact to make even the idea of fitness more accessible and normalize modification and adaptability. 
  • Understand your limits without limiting yourself. It’s not always about performing the perfect pose rather how you’ve supported yourself as you moved through it 

The importance of witnessing the mind:

 At the uppermost center of our physical bodies lies our minds. Change cannot happen unless choices are made, and choices can’t be made without a willingness for change. Consider yourself for a moment. 

  • How do you feel in your own space? 
  • What does your internal monologue sound like to you? 
  • What do you need in this moment? 
  • How can you meet your own needs? 

In the same way that the body must be flexible and adapt to our growth, so must the state of our minds. To empower oneself is also to trust in oneself and one’s own choices. All the resources needed to reclaim your sense of self already exist within you. Give yourself permission to tap into your true potential.  

“Bodies have their own light which they consume to live: they burn, they are not lit from the outside.” 
― Egon Schiele


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