What is Higher Consciousness

It seems that we are living in a transitional point in the evolution of human kind. The term higher consciousness may have crossed your path, but it’s true definition may seem elusive and more complex than not. But what if it’s a necessary leap towards expansion of human kind?

What is it?

Higher Consciousness may be described as an invitation to become lucid, to become aware to ourselves. It can be the optimal experience of the “flow state” and the “runner’s euphoria” or the meditative state.  If you’ve experienced  these moments, then you know first hand that the mind is relatively quiet in those times.

Higher Consciousness is an invitation of awareness of all that arises within ourselves, without pushing it down, or numbing it or distracting it. Instead using anything and everything that arises as a tool for a more integrated way of being. 

How do we access it?

Higher Consciousness is a transcendence beyond the limitation of the mind, thought and intelligence. The mind is somewhat of an instrument towards something bigger. But in order to quiet it, we must first understand our own unique brand of thinking. Psychotherapy is of important significance here because it raises our awareness of how we think, why we think this way, how we were influenced through messaging and experience, and it allows for a deeper discovery of who we are underneath all of that; in our purest essence. In therapy, we get to know ourselves, remove any masks, understand, grieve and forgive any injuries, learn about how we relate in love, identify roles and identities we wish to project and to elevate beyond them.

A paradigm shift occurs from that place; an expansion from living on autopilot to living on purpose, or living consciously. The mind which knows it’s limitations, becomes a willing partner. It’s like: “Oh right, I now know that I was conditioned to perceive this in this one way, BUT what else is possible? If not in this way, then what?” 

What are the benefits?

It’s an experience in which we’re not just fumbling along influenced by circumstance, but by deliberately choosing, and filtering, and questioning, and allowing for new experiences and possibilities to unfold.   

“You cannot find your soul with your mind. You must know what you are feeling. If you don’t know what your are feeling, you will create unconsciously” – Gary Zukav

Once we understand our own mind, our subconscious (primal, automatic habitual programming), and allow our feelings to surface, we can tap into other sensory experiences: imagination, intuition, inner phenomenons of feeling, vulnerability and connection, love, empathy, beauty, self-healing, a private affair of our own experience- our innermost center of individuality, an identification with all other life forms,  a gentle inner kindness, achieving more by doing less, experiencing unusual synchronicities, personal and collective fulfillment, manifestation and more.

From that place, I believe, it would be hardly impossible to engage in any action that would bring harm to nature, or another human, or to another life form, or to ourselves.

This video may do this phenomenon a little more justice than my humble attempt: 


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