parenting today's teens
Parenting Today's Teens

Our mission is to strengthen the quality of your interactions with your teen by providing you with hands-on practical solutions for enhancing grit and resilience while parenting today's teens by communicating effectively, and a framework for a more harmonious household.

The teen years designed to test boundaries and to push limits. Your child is growing and changing at a rapid rate and you may find that your previous parenting techniques are not working like they used to.

Parenting is of the highest calling and it is about mistakes and lessons. At Mindfully Alive we have a passion for helping parents reduce the need to be so hard on themselves or feel lost while finding that sweet spot between healthy discipline, setting limits, and cultivating an open and comfortable relationship.

We operate under the following 3 premises: 

1. A relationship without rules is chaos

2. Rules without a relationship is rebellion

3. Rules + relationship is respect and responsibility. 

Some of the issues that we have helped families grow through:

  1. Helping teens manage stress (academic, athletic, social, body image, ownership for motivation, self-esteem, procrastination and avoidance, organization)
  2. Setting limits around social media use
  3. Supporting teens through their appearance or body image feelings
  4. Learning how to negotiate and compromise to promote mutual understanding
  5. Strategic, predictable step by step parenting systems to ensure consistency and sustainability to reduce parental burnout and exhaustion 
  6. Parenting with Love and Logic (adapted from  the Nurtured Heart Approach)
  7. How to identify and attend to the underlying emotional needs behind behaviors
  8. Why is your teen saying no to you all the time and how to manage this
  9. How to say no to your teen and when to say yes, and reducing permissive parenting
  10. How to support a growth vs. a fixed mindset 
  11. How to have reasonable and predictable boundaries 
  12. What amount of independence is healthy? 
  13. How to deal with the constant need for gratification?
  14. What are some signs of anxiety and depression in teens?
  15. How is stressful parenting impacting the relationship between parents
  16. Setting limits without losing your cool
  17. Understanding changes in the teens’ mood and knowing how to respond without both parties feeling helpless and exhausted
  18. How is your child/teen triggering feelings in you and how to respond from a centered place.