The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention

“All great outcomes begin with intention” – Chloe Wordsworth, Quantum Change Made Easy

When presented with a challenging life situation, it may be inevitable for us to experience a physical stress response, negative thinking, or anxiety. We become stuck in our perceived problem and can find it difficult to feel like we have any control over the outcome. 

Most of us know what we do not want in the challenge before us, and feel powerless to create change. But how often do we stop to think with focused intention on what we do want instead of the problem? Setting an intention means actively directing ourselves towards a set goal with a focused mind. By naming what we want and being an active participant in drawing ourselves to this goal, we can empower ourselves and our lives.   

So how can something as abstract as setting an intention have the power to create our vision into fruition? Scientific research shows that thoughts alone have the power to create our reality. In the world of quantum physics, when a thought is a focused intention, it creates an ordered pattern of subatomic particles (or frequency vibrations) which therefore creates a magnetic field of attraction. As long as we resonate with our intentions, it is in that field of limitless possibilities that we can attract the outcomes we want. That outcome can be within a life challenge that we are facing or a general need we want met in life. 

Intentions and Self-Awareness

Setting an intention within the context of a “problem” means we have to identify what role we play and our personal response. Oftentimes, it feels like things are “done to us” by others or others’ actions dictate our negative outcomes. We perceive ourselves as victims with little power or control. In reality, we are responsible for our internal response and have the power of self-awareness and to create an intention around how we want to be.

Example:  Moira feels stressed and jealous whenever her boyfriend communicates or goes out with his female friends. After some consideration, Moira realized her response was creating conflict between them and she set the intention to be more secure within herself and emotionally independent within her relationship.    

Intention vs. Desire

With such a powerful mental tool at hand, it is easy to misdirect our intentions towards things we may desire in life, such as material possessions, attention from someone unattainable, or physical changes within ourselves. It is important to note the distinct difference between desire and intention when considering where to direct focused attention. According to Chloe Wordworth, author of Quantum Change Made Easy, “The importance of desire is that it is a messenger: behind most desires is an unmet need that seeks resolution”. For example, if one has challenges around money and desires abundance, their unmet need may be a sense of security and stability. Therefore, the intention can be set towards being more secure and stable in life, which can in turn attract the abundance that is sought.  It is important to consider what true need lies behind our desire and create an intention based on that. 

How to set an Intention

Intentions are powerful, whether they are set for a specific problem or for a yearned life outcome. With focused attention towards what we want instead of what is, we can attract our personal version of success in the world around us. The following steps can help in setting an intention and attracting what is wanted into one’s life:  

Step 1: Identify and write down a clear intention for what you want to do or achieve. 

It is important to write the intention in a positive present-tense “I” statement as if you have already achieved your goal. The statement should be positive, simple, free from all negatives, and without the words “want, will, can, would, should, need”.


Examples:  “I wake up alert and refreshed, ready for the new day” or “I think calmly and clearly in emotionally charged situations rather than reacting with anger”

Step 2: Identify the positive feeling that comes with achieving your intention.

As human beings, we are more likely to be motivated towards our goals if there are pleasurable feelings associated with achieving them. Take a moment to consider what it would feel like for you to have your intention become a reality.  Example: I feel happy and free.

Step 3:Visualize achieving your intentions.

This is considered the most important step in bringing your intentions into reality. Visualizations have the power to change our emotions and therefore change our physical body and our internal responses. The most successful athletes visualize themselves making their goals prior to the game to ensure they can fully embody the feeling of success. Allow the visualization of your intention to be as detailed as possible and incorporate all your senses to magnify the positive feelings you experience when seeing yourself accomplishing your goal. 

Step 4: Put your intention into motion.

With conscious awareness, take small steps towards your intentions every day. Create a vision board, state your intentions out loud daily, meditate, and increase your self-awareness to ensure that your actions and thoughts are aligned with your goals. 

In the realm of quantum physics, following these outlined steps contributes to an increase in our frequency vibrations which in turn attracts the same vibrational frequencies of our set intention. When the frequencies match, we begin to resonate with the intention and a magnetic field of attraction forms that draws our goals into fruition. 

Setting focused intentions allows us to take a proactive and thoughtful approach towards creating the reality we want to see. Intentions can be set to meet goals in many aspects of life, such as personal growth, health, work, parenting, and relationships. So long as we can identify what we want from ourselves and what we want to achieve, we open up ourselves to limitless possibilities.    

If you would like to learn more about setting intentions in your life, don’t hesitate to reach out to us


One thought on “The Power of Intention

  1. This is a truly enlightening read! The interplay between quantum physics and our conscious intentions is a testament to how intertwined the universe and our minds truly are. It’s fascinating to think that our mere thoughts can set off a chain of reactions in the subatomic realm, leading to tangible outcomes in our lives. The emphasis on self-awareness and recognizing our role within any situation is a powerful reminder that we’re not mere spectators in our lives, but active participants shaping our destiny. Thanks for sharing this perspective.

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